Cyberspace has become a world of its own. A world which in its inception, like any other, was filled with chaos. A world filled with thrill and adventure, but also its lurking dangers.
One of the most pressing issues with this vast connection of networks, which was also its power, was its openness. The idea of this network of computers being accessed by anyone from anywhere over a public channel was revolutionary but provided virtually zero level of privacy.
To overcome this issue several secure methods for communication across the internet were developed. One of such methods is the SSH, also known as the Secure Shell or the Secure Socket Shell.
SSH provides a secure channel for communication over a potentially unsecured network. It primarily is used for accessing remote desktops and running commands on remote machines.
It ensures secrecy by encrypting the communication between the two participants by using cryptographic methods based on symmetric keys. The connection is based on a client-server architecture. Where the host system holds the SSH server and the client is the one accessing this server remotely.
It is initiated by using a SSH client to access the remote server generally using the following syntax:
ssh user@hostname/IP
Following this the client is prompted for authentication, which can be password based or public key based. After authetincation a symetric key is negotiated for the session which would be used to encrypt communication.
Finally, the secure connection is established, which could be used to execute and run commands on the remote machine. SFTP or the Secure File Transfer Protocol is also based on this connection.
SSH is so much more than this and is also one of the pillars of Cybersecurity. It uses highly sophisticated encryption methods such as algorithms like Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) and many more, which are almost impossible to decrypt using current technologies.
What threatens this security behemoth of a tool is the inception of Quantum Computation and emergin exploits such as The Terrapin Attack. I wonder what turn would the world take if this Great Wall falls in the modern Information Age.