Wohooo another year begins and procrastination hits… But does it?

It’s the first day of the year - no time more suitable for the commencement of such an endeavor. Well, I did plan so while keeping this in mind. The challenge is supposed to be 30 days long. It could be seen as a “New Year Pledge” of some sort.

I was supposed to start today, the 1st of January 2024, and for this very reason, I was supposed to get done with designing this website, at the very least, by last year (which was only yesterday).

However, here we are, I just finished the initial design and setup of this website just a couple of hours before I started working on this article (it’s 9 in the evening btw, not that it matters).

Anyway, this shouldn’t come as a surprise if one were to not very carefully look into the core reason behind the planning of this very challenge. I’m a chronic procrastinator, but here’s the catch. It wasn’t my procrastination that caused this delay.

The Mystery Unveiled

As you’ve reached this far, you would’ve gotten the gist of where this article is moving towards. Since I was spending pretty much all of my first day of this hopefully wonderful year, working on designing this website, I didn’t really get much time to read about or study something else, of course excluding a brief discussion I had with my friends on One Piece, but we’ll get on that voyage some other day (you see what I did there? 😏 ).

So the reason for this delay partly was Hugo - this fella was a tough nut to crack, but it did crack fast, probably because I don’t really have much experience in web development and also because I do have a little bit of experience dealing with basic web development and a teeny-tiny bit of Hugo, respectively.

However, that experience only was limited to building small elements and modifying prebuilt Hugo themes and templates, as you know (but why would you?) that is how I built my main website (go check it out - Two048 - it’s neat).

It’s a difficult task indeed

Thus, this endeavor where I had to design this whole website from scratch, and also use that design to create a Hugo theme for this project and hopefully future projects, was a difficult one for me. That, my friend, is what took most of the time, I did so after many trials - the signs of these battles could be seen all around my workspace (my laptop and my GitHub, of course only I can spot them).

Hugo, which initially seemed scary turned out to be not so difficult, you just need to understand what goes where and have to have the big picture in mind, while understanding how to break that big picture into small sensible parts. With a clear understanding of how those parts you ripped apart from that beautiful picture are to be sewn back together, hopefully into something that looks a bit more alive than one of Frankenstein’s creations (and I really hope this website does).

Should wrap this up now

Well with this I come to the end of this article, which might’ve been a really long journey for most and a short one for a few (being optimistic that some of you actually reached the end).

I do have quite a bit to say on this matter and believe me it is completely against my designs about this topic, but I don’t believe that most of the readers of this article would be remotely interested in my ramblings, but if any of you pure souls are - in fact interested, you could always visit my main website (for my contacts, not my rambles of course, though you might find a bit of that as well).

With this, I start this journey, the end of which carries much hope for me that one would anticipate, and holds surprisingly more meaning to me than a simple attempt to build a writing habit, but I guess this is where I divert this flow to one of my personal journals (I don’t really have one).

I wish myself luck, and to you as well. Have a great year!